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目录:山猫品书之网络小说推荐| 作者:山猫部落长老| 类别:历史军事

    (去看看小说网 www.7kankan.com)


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    Th Lord of th Rngs. J.R.R. Tolk. Th granddaddy of all fantasy ltratr,of cors,notchs or top spot.Bsds rnvtng th tr fantasy gr and nflcng gratons of rtrs,Tolk‘s tal tlls on hllva story.



    Th Chroncls of Abr. Rogr Zlazny. Abr s th on, tr orld. All othrs,ncldng arth,ar rly shados. Prnc&nbsprn,rghtfl sccssor to th thron of Abr,st astr ths altrnat ralts,fght donc forcs,and srvv th rthlss schs of hs on faly to gan th cron.



    ndr‘s Ga. Orson Scott Card. By ag 8, ndr ggns bcos arth‘s gratst ltary gs.&nbspnfrontd th th ralts of ar, ndr chooss to abandon th ltary and bco a ‘spakr for th dad,‘a conclor,trthskr,and arbtrator bt fals n nd of gdanc. nfortnatly,th nvrs has othr plans for h.



    roancr. lla Gbson. A don-on-hs-lck hackr and a slp razor-nald rcary dscovr th scrts of a nborn A. Cybrpnk‘s frst dfnng ork and th frst of Gbson‘s Spral books.



    Th Chroncls of Thoas&nbspvant th nblvr. Stph R. Donaldson. A ral-orld lpr,Thoas&nbspvant gts transportd to a fantasy orld bsgd by a corrpt and alvolt forc. Only&nbspvant can sav th orld th th ‘ld agc‘ h‘s broght th h,bt h dosn‘t blv ths fantasy orld sts.



    Fondaton.ssac Asov.ontal tal of a galactc pr spralng nto dcln and th scrt socty of sctsts anvrng to control th daag.



    Dn. Frank Hrbrt.Th frst book n th Dn srs tracks on of th ost porfl psychcs n th nvrs,Pal Atrds,as h larns to dal th th poltcal achnatons and vrontal savagry of th dsrt plant Arraks hl balancng hs grong pors.



    lrc.chal oorcock. An albno arror/sorcrr fro a dyng rac sks ot a sol-sckng sord and gts caght p n th ltat battr bt Ordr and Chaos.



    Th an n th Hgh Castl. Phlp K. Dck. Fll of paranoa and sophstcatd ralty gas,ths ‘hat f az Grany had on‘ storyln s th bst altrnatv hstory vr rtt.



    1984.Gorg Orll.Th nstry of Trth says yo ll joy ths book.t‘s th only book yo can rad;thr ar no othrs avalabl.Yo ll spd to hors aftr dnnr vry day radng ths book;th tlscrs nsr ths.Bg Brothr s yor frd.



    Hypron. Dan Sons. Th Shrk:th ltat kllng achn that can stop t th a thoght. Th Hgony/A&nbspnsort allanc: an pr that donats an tr galay. Th Ostrs:on-long tatd hanods bt on ovrthrong th Hgony. Add th p and yo‘v got Aragddon.



    Th Stars y Dstnaton.Alfrd Bstr.h Glly Foyl gts scrd ovr and vos rvg,h transfors hslf nto an all-porfl qas-Spran th th por to chang th nvrs.



    Tgana. Gy Gavrl Kay. n an act of rvg,a porfl sorcrr rass th kngdo of Tgana fro stanc. Bt a sall band of hros clngs to th ory of thr holand and qsts to rstor Tgana onc agan to ts rghtfl plac.



    Frankstn. ary Shlly. Th classc tal of a ad sctst‘s craton,a onstr pcd togthr fro gravyard body parts ,and th onstr‘s strggl to hav th orld rcognz hs hanty.


    一位银翼杀手警察被分配去追捕佯装**的机器人而且在这一过程中寻究 ‘人类‘ 的定义。

    Do Androds Dra of lctrc Shp?. Phlp K. Dck. A Bladrnnr polcan s assgnd to hnt don androds posng as han and qstons th dfnton of ‘hanty‘ n th procss.



    Th Sord of Shannara. Trry Brooks. Th frst book n th ‘Shannara‘ srs pts Sha Ohsford aganst th vl arlock Lord and hs Skll Barr nons.Ths book as pvotal n poplarzng odrn fantasy.



    Th Anbs Gats. T Pors. A odrn scholar gts caght p n t travl,body- sappng,sashbcklng,and sorcry n London,crca 1810. Thng Charls Dcks ts ndana Jons.



    Lghtnng. Dan Koontz. A t travlr fro th past sks to avrt az Grany‘s altratons to th prst.


    横跨银河的——包括有感觉力的海豚和黑猩猩——所有其它种族都通过基因改造或者 ‘提升‘获得了智力并且要为他们的恩人献出他们的一生。人类却不是这样,他们把自己留在宇宙图腾的最底部,反对着科学高层者和时常怀有敌意的种族。

    Th plft Trlogy. Davd Brn. All th othr racs across th galay - ncldng stt dolphns and chps - gand ntllgc by gtc odfcaton or ‘plft‘ and can trac thr hrtag to thr bfactors. anknd cannot,lavng th at th botto of th nvrsal tot pol aganst tchnologcally spror and oft hostl racs.



    Rngorld. Larry v. A spac pdton crashs onto an artfcal plant shapd lk a gant hla hoop 190 llon ls n datr. Th srvvors st fght th barbaran dscdants of th orgnal bldrs as thy advtr across th rng n sarch of ansrs.



    Th T achn. H.G. lls. A t-travlr plors a conflct n th yar 802,701 A.D. bt th k and batfl lo and th ndrgrond-dllng,rthlss orlocks.


    一个野蛮人和老练的小偷搭伴而行,笨手笨脚地历经了一些暗杀者公会、致命的巫师和诡计多端的神制造的意外。去看看小说网 www.7kaNKan.com

    Fafhrd and th Gray osr. Frtz Lbr. A barbaran and astr thf band togthr and bngl thr ay throgh contrs th assassn glds,dadly sorcrrs and schng gods.



    A Prncss of ars. dgar Rc Brroghs. n th frst book of th ‘John Cartr‘ srs,a&nbspnfdrat soldr fnds hslf transportd to ars hr h ns accla as a arror.



    Th Htchhkr‘s Gd to th Galay. Doglas Adas. Th book that kckd off th fv-book trlogy. Arthr Dt s rscd jst bfor th arth s dolshd for a galactc fray. H and hs&nbsppanon Ford Prfct contr a dprssd robot ,vst th orld hr sofas&nbsp fro and brav th dangrs of Vogon potry.



    Th Stand. Stph Kng. A vrs ps ot ost of th orld‘s poplaton. hl pockts of popl fght to rstor cvlzaton , a donc por thrats to th rnants of Arca.



    L ort d‘Arthr. Sr Thoas alory. Th dfntv collcton of Arthran tals - fro Lanclot‘s btrayal to th brth of ordrd to nvsbl knghts.



    , Robot. ssac Asov. Short stors that st th standard for ntllgt robots n scc fcton. ost faos for sttng don th Thr Las of Robotcs no tak for grantd.



    Th oon s a Harsh strss. Robrt Hnln. Th oon s a pal colony rld by an ron-fstd adnstraton. Th ctzs ant frdo and trn to a slf-aar&nbspptr for rbllon plans.



    atrshp Don. Rchard Adas. Th sarch for a n ho and strggl for srvval,all fro a rabbt‘s pont of v. A nq tak on th bblcal story of ods.



    Fahrht 451. Ray Bradbry. Fr n th orld of Gy ontag don‘t rad books;thy brn th. And Gy joys hs job. T yars as a fran, h nvr qstons th rasons bhnd book-brnng or th plasr t gvs h ……ntl a 17 yar-old grl shars a past th h hr popl r not afrad to rad.



    Th Hobbt…… J.R.R. Tolk. Th hobbt Blbo Baggns,th zard Gandalf and 13 darvs bark on a qst to rtak th darv trasr n th Lonly ontan. Trolls,goblns,gant spdrs, and th nfaos dragon,Sag,stand n thr ay.



    Hllcona. Bran Aldss. Cvlzatons rs and fall on a plant hr thr yar qals 3,000 of or yars and ntr‘s lk an c ag.



    Th Book of th  Sn. G olf. Ho any srs hav a tortrr as th an charactr?Follo along as a yong apprtc tortrr gradats to ass ctonr,ovs on to rlr of th orld,savor of hanty,and,fnally,a ghost.



    Gllvr‘s Travls. Jonathan Sft. A shprck srvvor contrs natr popl,gants and sprntllgt,talkng horss aong othr thngs n a srs of poltcal satrs.



    ndkllr. Spdr Robnson. hat do yo do h yo fnd soon can ras nds?ndkllr(th frst novlla n Dathkllr) tracs th paths of to  as ystrs n thr lvs rrvocably dra th to convrg on on gatc organzaton - a corporaton that s rsponsbl for cratng tchnology that lts popl d fro pr plasr.t also has th frst prant ans of branashng a prson.Th protagonsts dcd to try to sht don ths cartl,v thogh thy kno t ll crtanly an thr doo. Th book rads lk a ystry-thrllr th frst t throgh ,offrs rch charactrzaton on a scond radng,and ndrnath asks:hat aks lf orth lvng ?



    Blood sc. Grg Bar. A nrdy rsarchr dvlops bochps - ntllgt clls - and njcts th nto hslf. Thy sprad lk a dsas,th apocalyptc rslts.



    Th Gr l. Stph Kng. Th r strggl of dath ro nats as thy fact th lctrc char.



    ntrv th th Vapr. Ann Rc. Th novl that took th gothc ystq of th vapr nto th nghts of odrn San Francsco.



    Starshp Trooprs. Robrt Hnln. A rcrt of th ftr gos throgh th toghst boot cap n th nvrs - and nto battl aganst hanty‘s dadlst y. Forgt th ov,rad th book.



    Th Chroncls of arna. C.S. Ls. Ths srs contans Th Lon,Th tch and th ardrob,th ost faos book of th srs,hrn for chldr stp nsd a ardrob n ngland and rg nto th agcal land of arna,a land&nbspplt th fans and talkng bavrs,a land ndr th rl and spll of trnal ntr by th ht tch.



    Th llnats!Trlogy. Robrt Sha and Robrt Anton lson. Th thr books of th llnats ar only partly orks of th agnaton. Thy tackl all th covr- ps of or t,fro ho rally shot th Kndys to hy thr‘s a pyrad on a on- dollar bll.



    atchrs. Dan Koontz. A gtc prt crats to spr-ntllgt basts. On,a tstd cratr of vl,scaps and th only on that can stop h s hs ‘brothr‘ - a dostcatd dog nad nstn.



    Th Dolshd an. Alfrd Bstr. A thrllng rdr/ssps story hch ansrs th qston,‘Ho do yo&nbspt rdr n a 23rd-Ctry tlpathc socty?‘


    在行星哈默上,统治者将机械化和大生产视为违法,藉以限制工人的产量来使得他们贫穷潦倒。去看看小说网 www.7kaNKan.com。吉尔·塔沃克,一名雕刻师的儿子,为推翻传统体系和为工人阶级赢得公平待遇而工作。

    phyro. Jack Vanc. On th plant Hala,th rlng Lords hav ad chanzaton and ass prodcton llgal to kp orkrs poor by ltng thr otpt. Ghyl Tarvok ,th son of a astr oodcarvr,orks to ovrthro th tradtonal syst and arn far tratt for th orkng class.



    Th zard of Oz. L.Frank Ba. Dorothy sks to rtrn ho hl plorng a fantasy orld th hr&nbsppanons. Ths s th frst n a srs of Oz books,contanng ch or atral than th classc fl sch as an contr th th onstros Harhads and th orgn of th Tn an. Alas,no ngd onkys thogh.



    ar of th orlds. H.G. lls. Th classc al nvason tal of tchnologcally advancd artan conqrors th an oros Achlls‘ Hl.



    ythago ood. Robrt Holdstock. Cltc and Old nglsh yths&nbsp alv n a strtch of prval oodland that grats lvng ‘ghosts‘ fro popl‘s nconcos nds.



    Anal Far. Gorg Orll. tnos far anals rn off thr opprssor to stablsh a lvstock topa.



    Th Prncss Brd. lla Goldan. A sashbckng tal of roanc and advtr……pls Rodts Of nsal Sz.



    hl of T. Robrt Jordan. On ag ds,anothr ag nfolds,and th b of fat shaps vts as ach cycl rncarnats old hros and vllans n n flsh. prsond throghot th changng of th yars s th Dark On,fastd by agc n hs ontan prson,Shayol Ghl. H yarns to scap and brak all that has scapd hs grasp,hl hs nons scor th land sbvrtng,anplatng and othrs forcng hs dark ll. ntr Rand al‘Thor,far boy. H has no&nbspprhson of th vts otsd hs lttl vllag. Bt h a ystros oan arrvs to op hs ys to th approachng vl,Rand and hs frds st ot on a qst that ll forvr chang th orld. Yo s,Rand s th Dragon Rborn,th ost porfl al sorcrr to lv drng hs ag. H‘s got th por to lvl hol cts,to ras hstory,to challg th Dark On hslf - cpt t‘s sloly drvng h nsan.



    t. Stph Kng. A cratr hch prys pon th ak,th vlnrabl,th abandond. A cratr hch bcos yor orst nghtar.



    A Clockork Orang. Anthony Brgss. h ltravolt Al gts caght,h ndrgos tratt to hav hs antsocal rgs artfcally controlld. s a prson capabl of goodnss thot fr ll?



    Tscap. Grgory Bford. ar-ftr sctsts sd ssags back n t to 1962 to sav th plant.



    Prn. Ann cCaffry. Han rdrs lnk nds th bvolt,arplan-szd dragons to fght off th all-dvorng Thrad.hh



    Slaghtrhos Fv. Krt Vonngt. Th horrors of ar ar and as on an shfts back and forth bt stcs,fro prcs n  Drsd to captvty on th al plant Tralfaador.



    Good Os. l Gaan and Trry Pratchtt. n ths bzarr,d-of-th-orld&nbspdy,Aragddon has&nbsp,cpt th angls and dvls ar‘t rady for t.



    Fonavar. Gy Gavrl Kay. A grop of odrn-day stdts s ystrosly transportd to a fantasy orld n prl. h a alvolt dty s rlasd fro 1,000 of prsont,th stdts dscovr that thr fats ar ntrtnd th thos of Fonavar.



    arthsa. rsla K. L Gn. A sft boy nad Gd stds to b a zard and vtally s calld to hlp rstablsh th balanc of th nvrs:bt lght and dark,al and fal,lf and dath,agc and ts ltat prc.



    2001. Arthr C. Clark. Ho dd  gt to b hat  ar? Ths srs ansrs that on fndatally han qston. t bgns th th stablsht of a conncton bt or ap-ancstors,strgglng to rly srvv.  ar hoplssly akr and otnbrd by th othr anals of th plant. An otsd forc plants th sds of ral ntllgc by ay of a grat black ‘onolth.‘ Ths frst concptal thoghts lanch s toard a chan of vts nto th ftr. As th ftr nfolds,or crosty lads to th dscovry of anothr sch bo on th oon - proof postv that  ar not th only ntllgt forc n th nvrs!t s a dscovry that s as possbl for s to ndrstand as or srvval probl as llna ago. Stll, hanty prsss on,only to dscovr anothr bo nar jptr,hch brngs v or vts crcal to hanty. n 3001:Th Fnal Odyssy,any of th qstons rasd n th srs ar - for good or ll - fnally ansrd.



    ogss. Octava Btlr. Th Oankal als hav savd th arth. For a prc. Oankal srvval rqrs constant gtc chang……and  ar atng stock.



    A Fr pon th Dp. Vrnor Vng. A god-lk artfcal ntllgc fro anothr nvrs thrats ths nvrs. On grop has th knoldg to stop t,bt thy‘r trappd on a pratv plant thot th tchnologcal ans for spac travl or&nbspncaton.



    &nbspnan. Robrt . Hoard. Th ltat barbaran hro kcks th crap ot of a corncopa of vl sorcrrs,trashs a lgon of donc onstrosts,and rscs vry batfl prncss on th plant. Th h ats brakfast.



    ars. K Stanly Robnson. n th yar 2026,a grop of 100 plorrs sts ot to colonz and trrafor ars. cpt,not vryon ants t that ay.



    dnght at th ll of Sols. Jack L. Chalkr. ost of th nvrs as actally blt by an anct dad rac and s anplatd by on assv&nbspptr. hovr controls th&nbspptr has ltat por.



    A Spll for Chalon. Prs Anthony. n anth, vryon has a spcal agc por nq to thslvs. nfortnatly,Blnk s born thot on. Or s h ?



    Th Gap. Stph R. Donaldson. Fro byond th bondars of Forbdd Spac,th Anon,an al rac capabl to horrfc atrocts,ant sothng nspakabl fro hanty - and thy‘ll go to nthnkabl lgths to gt t.



    A&nbspnnctct Yank n Kng Arthr‘s&nbsprt. ark Tan. A 19th ctry an s transportd back to th Rond Tabl hr h bcos Arthr‘s scond n&nbspand by ntrodcng a nbr of odrn tools lk ralroads and tlphons.



    Advtrs of th Stanlss Stl Rat. Harry Harrson. J dGrz s th ost brllant con artst and thf n th galay. h h‘s fnally captrd,th la forct has only on choc - ak h on of thr on - for t taks a rat to catch a on.

    69. 《火星编年史》(科幻)——雷·布雷德伯里


    Th artan Chroncls. Ray Bradbry. A collcton of short stors focsng on hanty‘s contrs th th Rd Plant and ts r nhabtants. t starts th frst contact and ovs on fro thr. vry story‘s got a tradark Bradbry tst.



    Dark lf. R.A. Salvator. On of th bst srs of gang-rlatd fcton ntrodcs Drzzt Do‘rdrn,a dark lf(or dro )born th sothng that no othr dro has or can afford to hav:a conscc. Hs hoton,th ndrgrond cty of zobrranzan,s a rogh plac,and hs faly achvd ts poston of por by adhrng to th cty‘s Gold Rl:Don‘t gt caght. As Drzzt&nbsps of ag,or and or of lf n zobrranzan bcos rpgnant to h,and h can‘t prfor th vl acts hs socty rqrs. vtally,h barasss hs faly,and,bng a al n a atrarchal socty,th palty for that sort of thng s dath. H has no choc bt to scap to th srfac orld,hch dosn‘t tak kndly to dark lvs,ho hav a rptaton of bng bloodthrsty vldors. Drzzt‘s qst for accptanc n ‘good‘ socty and scap fro hs past lad to any advtrs and battls.



    st of d. Harry Harrson. Th arth s rld by ntllgt dnosars;thy dscovr Arca,poplatd by tool-sng,Ston Ag . Bloody fghts s.



    A Fn and Prvat Plac. Ptr S. Bagl. A tlss classc roanc bt to ghosts ho st fght to rbr hat lf and lov onc r.



    20, 000 Lags ndr th Sa. Jls Vrn. Captan o‘s ploraton of th ocans and battl for thr control. Vrn‘s atls prdats ral sbarns.



    Dyng nsd. Robrt Slvrbrg. An agng tlpath starts to los th grp on hs tal pors. A fascnatng jorny nto th nd of an avrag an grantd nsal pors.



    Dragonlanc. argart s and Tracy Hckan. Th cratrs of lgd,dragons,hav rtrnd - and broght darknss and dstrcton th th. Only on band of advtrrs can sav th orld ……f thy‘r not btrayd fro thn.



    Lsan. .. ‘Doc‘ Sth. Classc spac opra th pr-as-Boy-Scot hros and nrltngly vl bad gys fghtng for control of plant-sqshng ‘doosday dvcs.‘



    Sothng ckd Ths ay&nbsps. Ray Bradbry. Prhaps th sbtlst horror story vr rtt. Th Carnval pross to flfll yor gratst sh,bt chargs th hghst prc for t. Th ags fro ths book ll hant yo for th rst of yor lf.



    Th ot n God‘s y. Larry v and Jrry Pornll. t‘s 3017 A.D. Hanty dscovrs ntllgt als n a backatr rgon of spac:Shold  brac th or bob ‘ to bts?



    Strangr n a Strang Land. Robrt A. Hnln. Th strangr s Valtn chal Sth,and th strang land s arth.Sth as born on ars,th only han srvvor of or frst pdton thr. H as rasd by artans,th ‘rscd‘ by th scond pdton so 25 yars latr. H thnks of hslf as a artan and ss artan ablts lk lvtaton thot sng anythng nsal abot th. o,lk a chld rasd n th ldrnss by olvs,h st larn ho to b han……and at th sa t,tach hs n frds ho to thnk lk a artan. H dscovrs th joys of * and fr lov (hch s part of hat ad ths book so poplar th th 60‘s graton),and trs to rconcl th any conflctng tachngs of arthly rlgons th hs artan knoldg. Th radr not only atchs Sth‘s groth,bt also gts a tor of a ftrstc arth and all th fobls of han socty.



    Spac Trlogy. C.S. Ls. A ars rapant th lf. A atr-covrd Vs poplatd th floatng,lvng ‘slands.‘An arth hr Kng Arthr fghts corporat Brtan.



    Th nvsbl an. H.G. lls. A sctst‘s santy and oralty s th prc of hs nvsblty forla.



    Gn, th Occasonal sc. Jonathan Lth. A prvat y gts nvolvd n a rdr ystry n a nar,dark ftr poplatd by lftovr hans and anals - lk gn-totng kangaroos - gtcally hancd to nar-han ntllgc. Scathngly dark and vry fnny.



    Lyonss. Jack Vanc. Sprnatral novls fll of fars,tchs and ntr-kngdo ntrg - and t all taks plac bath th nglsh Channl.



    Catspa. Joan Vng. Cybrpnk,rdr-ystry and poltcal ntrg tst togthr n ths pag-trnr hch tlls th story of Cat,a half-han psychc,forcd to ork as a bodygard for th popl h hats ost.



    Crystal prss. Brc Strlng. Hanty has fnally abandond arth for spac and dvdd nto to factons sparatd by bology as ll as phlosophy. Th Shapr facton ss gtc and bo-gnrng to adapt thr bods to spac hl th chansts blv n cratng spror hans sng cybrntc hancts.



    Th Last ncorn. Ptr S. Bagl. h a ncorn rcvs ord that all th othr ncorns hav vanshd,sh barks on a qst to fnd hr lost fllos. Sh s ortal for a brf prod and s th only ncorn that has vr lovd a han bng for or than a short t.



    To Yor Scattrd Bods Go. Phlp Jos Farr. Anyon ho has vr dd - yo,,Htlr,ark Tan - ds p on a strang al orld. Th frst book n th Rvrorld srs follos th advtrs of a lon plorr tryng to pzzl ot th ystrs of th fraksh ‘aftrlf.‘



    Th Slc of th Labs. Thoas Harrs. An FB agt st lst th hlp of a sadstc sral kllr to hnt don anothr sral kllr.



    Donblo Staton. C.J. Chrryh. Hanty has b plorng spac for a f hndrd yars th sb-lght shps,long ogh to stablsh trad rots bt orbtal statons n a handfl of dstant solar systs. Donblo Staton s at th cr of th shppng rots,th gatay to arth‘s dfsv prtr. arth athorts orry that th sb-lght&nbspncaton lags - of 10 yars or or n so cass - ar gvng thr dstant colons and pstart rchant vssls too ch frdo,bt h arth fnally cracks don,t‘s alrady too lat:Sctsts at dstant Cyt hav alrady blt th frst fastr-than-lght spacdrv,and Cyt has bco th ctr of a n por calld non. Althogh Donblo Staton has alays prdd tslf on ts ntralty,t‘s no caght bt arth,non,and rchantr forcs,fatd to bco th ctr of th conflct.



    Flors for Algrnon. Danl Kys. A tally rtardd cstodan ndrgos a brakthrogh srgcal tchnq that trpls hs Q. H‘s got th nd of a gs,bt th otonal atrty of a chld.



    Th Songs of Dstant arth. Arthr C. Clark. Hanknd larns that th Sn s gong to plod and sds ts gtc sd nto th nvrs bfor th arth s dstroyd. Ths s hard scc-fcton th a rasonably vabl thod of spac travl.



    Th For Lords of th Daond. Jack Chalkr. A scrt agt has hs nd copd nto for dffrt bods to nfltrat for y orlds and assasnat thr rlrs.



    Sords. Frd Sabrhag. Th god Vlcan crafts agcal blads,ach th a spcfc nstoppabl por,and nlashs th pon an nsspctng orld. Frst,hanty ss th sords to kll th gods. Aftr that,thngs gt volt.



    ay Staton. Clfford Sak. An arthlng s ployd by an ntrgalactc fdraton to atch ovr a ay Staton thy scrtly st p on arth. Can h balanc th loyalts to hs rac and to hs ployrs and prvt an atoc ar?



    Th Krak aks. John ydha. An nsal ‘nvason fro blo‘ prs th a copl slar to Pal and Ja fro ‘ad Abot Yo‘ flfllng th lad rols.


    第一本以网络人格和虚拟现实的初步暗示为特色的塞伯朋克小说。另外,你会喜欢上那个叫Hro Protagonst(日本名)的主人公,他是一名黑客、日本武士兼披萨饼快递员。

    Sno Crash. al Stphson. Th frst cybrpnk novl to fatr a atr th prsonalty and th frst hnts of vrtal ralty. Pls,yo‘v gotta lov a an charactr nad Hro Protagonst ho‘s a hackr,sara-sordsan and pzza- dlvry gy for Th ob.



    Th Hgh Crsad. Pol Andrson. Dark Ag knghts&nbspandr a spac craft and conqr th galay,convrtng als to Chrstanty along th ay.



    Throgh th Lookng Glass. Ls Carroll. n th novl that follos Alc n ondrland,yong Alc sks to rtrn ho hl plorng a ad,chantd land and dodgng thos ho sk to do hr har.



    Carron&nbspfort. Dan Sons. A scrt socty of psychc vaprs fd off othrs‘ sry and play gas th han nds.



    Th Postan. Davd Brn. Yo‘v s th ov abot on an standng p for hs dals n a post-apocalyps Arca. o rad th book;t‘s bttr.

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