正文 第二十五章第十五部分
目录:男人之间| 作者:海龟72| 类别:都市言情
冯路躺在床上,刚才还挺激动,可等了半天,Jennifer也没出来,便不知不觉地睡着了。他在梦里,又逾越了同床异梦的界线,看见李妮穿着睡衣朝他走来,一身芳香让他无法抗拒。他忽然听见有人在叫他:“oney,wake up。”亲爱的,醒一醒。冯路睁眼一看,原来是Jennifer穿着睡衣,一面双手互抹,擦着手霜,一面笑盈盈地弯下腰,看着他,那眼睫毛黑黑长长的,似乎沾着朝露,那瘦瘦的小脸上,嘴巴,鼻子,以及那双晶莹透彻的大眼睛,都勾勒出高贵的气质。她先用贴近冯路的脸,好让他彻底感受到那份迷人的温柔,然后,她又脱下睡衣,裸露出迷人的身段。冯路完全沉浸在这久违的体香中。那魅力无穷的宿主也千方百计释放出血液中最后一丝激情,让冯路无可阻挡,宛如二人飘然自在地乘着爱情方舟,摇曳在云天雨地之间,仿佛他们在用肢体语言陈述着一个美轮美奂的希腊神话,全然忘记了时间的流失。。。。
恢复了内心的平静之后,Jennifer问:“I am good?”(我还行嘛?)
冯路把她压在下面,“unprecedented, love burned out the impurity, with fineness and beauty left。”(空前的契合,爱焚烧了一切杂质,只留下了精和美的诠释。)
“Let’s play once more。”(让我们再来一次吧。)
“Oh, leave it another time, don’t take me as a young guy, I am almost fifty。 nlike you, just like twenties, vigorous enough。”(噢,算了吧,改日再来吧,别把我当年轻人,都奔五了,哪像你,就像二十几岁,亢奋得很。)
“I felt you blew the horn after I gave myself in, though。”(可你的号角吹响在我投诚之后啊。)
“o compliment of me,it didn’t mean I was able to transcend you, just a bit dullness。”(别恭维我,这不是超越,只是迟钝。)
“I heard Chinese likes modesty, never knowing you are also shying away from this。 he white guys just show otherwise。”(我只听说你们中国人爱谦虚,还不知道羞于这些事,白人男子就表现得不一样。)
“rue, Chinese women are different too, they always push around even if wanting it。 hat is why I like you that you would do as you want,clear enough。”(一点不假,中国女人也不同,心猿意马,即使她们想要,也要推三阻四的,所以,我喜欢你,清澈见底。)
两个大人在缠绵不休,小Lulu醒了,揉着眼睛走进来,“Mom,what are you doing here?”(妈妈你们在这儿做什么呀?)Jennifer很尴尬,赶紧用睡衣遮掩身体。冯路灵机一动,“We were just playing a game, but it’s over now。”(我们在玩游戏,不过,现在结束了。)小Lulu哪里肯放弃,赶紧说:“o,I want to play it ,too。”(不,我也要玩嘛。)Jennifer苦笑道:“Who are you going to play with?”(你要和谁玩啊?)小Lulu上床向冯路爬去,“I am playing with Daddy。”(我和爸爸玩儿。)Jennifer眼睛朝上一翻,“Oh,my god!”(啊,我的天啊!)然后和冯路会意地大笑起来。
恢复了内心的平静之后,Jennifer问:“I am good?”(我还行嘛?)
冯路把她压在下面,“unprecedented, love burned out the impurity, with fineness and beauty left。”(空前的契合,爱焚烧了一切杂质,只留下了精和美的诠释。)
“Let’s play once more。”(让我们再来一次吧。)
“Oh, leave it another time, don’t take me as a young guy, I am almost fifty。 nlike you, just like twenties, vigorous enough。”(噢,算了吧,改日再来吧,别把我当年轻人,都奔五了,哪像你,就像二十几岁,亢奋得很。)
“I felt you blew the horn after I gave myself in, though。”(可你的号角吹响在我投诚之后啊。)
“o compliment of me,it didn’t mean I was able to transcend you, just a bit dullness。”(别恭维我,这不是超越,只是迟钝。)
“I heard Chinese likes modesty, never knowing you are also shying away from this。 he white guys just show otherwise。”(我只听说你们中国人爱谦虚,还不知道羞于这些事,白人男子就表现得不一样。)
“rue, Chinese women are different too, they always push around even if wanting it。 hat is why I like you that you would do as you want,clear enough。”(一点不假,中国女人也不同,心猿意马,即使她们想要,也要推三阻四的,所以,我喜欢你,清澈见底。)
两个大人在缠绵不休,小Lulu醒了,揉着眼睛走进来,“Mom,what are you doing here?”(妈妈你们在这儿做什么呀?)Jennifer很尴尬,赶紧用睡衣遮掩身体。冯路灵机一动,“We were just playing a game, but it’s over now。”(我们在玩游戏,不过,现在结束了。)小Lulu哪里肯放弃,赶紧说:“o,I want to play it ,too。”(不,我也要玩嘛。)Jennifer苦笑道:“Who are you going to play with?”(你要和谁玩啊?)小Lulu上床向冯路爬去,“I am playing with Daddy。”(我和爸爸玩儿。)Jennifer眼睛朝上一翻,“Oh,my god!”(啊,我的天啊!)然后和冯路会意地大笑起来。